He is 4 U. .

Life is funny… sometime this adventure of life can seem like it just keeps going and going with no end in sight. At times it’s like you are the only one running this rugged road, that it is filled with so many ups and down. Days can be lonely even when there are so many people around.

Some days turn that way….and….You just wanna have a big pity party because you know for sure ..No one else has ever felt lost, useless, out of the loop, like really what is 2+2….Thats one reason I love worship music. It can really make you think about God. The one we should be filling our mind and our heart with each day. The one that created all things, the ONE that IS, Has BEEN, & ALWAYS WILL BE.

All you sisters remember as kids singing that song Jesus loves me. How boring and elementary did that song seem to get when we were in later elementary years, middle school and on.  I’ve Realized  It is so true though. Jesus does love each one us and the Bible does tell us that over and over.

Listen to Chris Tomlin below – Today’s version of Jesus Loves ME.  We all were lost. We all have been in Shame, but Jesus came for each one of us! Jesus Loves YOU and He is 4 YOU no matter what you are going thru .. You can’t Run… You Can’t Hide.

When you feel like no on else is there.  Know that Jesus is right beside you!



John 3:16




Did I Really Say That. .

Have you ever thought… Did I really Say That?

This has been coming up in several different conversations lately.  Sometimes we can become so familiar with friends, family, peers, that we just let what ever we think come out of our mouths.  I would say that at times it’s not even a thought, it is just something that is said just to be talking.

What can be so innocently said, can really hurt others feelings or at times just lay there doing nothing.    – Then you think Woops, I did it again or Why did I even say that – Today life can be so easy to take the doom and gloom aspect of things.  As Sisters in Christ we should be encouraging, lifting each other up, building one another, letting Christ speak through us in our actions and in the words we say.

Will you choose to lift each other up with me, we are Women of the King.  When the road seems like it is dark or may be a little bumpy, look to the Light!

I’m sure you know several women that always have a smile on their face, it’s like they were just born like that – Smiling.  Truly, I have always desired that, but I just wasn’t created that way.  If you are like me – We were created by the King, We have that inner *Peace – Joy – Smile*  – -Jesus — He gives all of us the ability to Encourage Others, Help Others, Offer Hope with the words the Lord has given us.

Let Today, be the Day you make a difference with your words and actions to Encourage and Build Each other UP!


Lead Me

Do you Have every minute of every day planned out? Do you only have time to get so much of what you want done, completed? Are you at the end of the week wondering just what did you accomplish that week?

I have been there. This week was a super busy week for our family. Each day was full to the gills. Things like work, sports, church, birthday parties,  then of course the shuttling of kids here to there and then back and forth again and again. Even in the scheduling of life, I managed to miss a few of my important “scheduled events. ” A woman has to think -What in the World is Wrong with me God, How could I have missed that, am I over scheduled — too much on my plate?

Realization –  it was time to take a step back – –  this isn’t my schedule it is Gods’.  God should be leading my every step, my every movement, he is my scheduling genius. Don’t Get me Wrong – -I’m all about taking action on the life I’ve been given – -but sometimes an important prayer of the morning is missed.

Lord – – lead, and guide me. Put in front of me what you want me to see. Make the most of the Day YOU have given me. Let me be a light for you, let me be open to whatever your will is for my life today.  Change up Today so it honors and glorifies YOU.

When the Lord is leading and guiding you each day – It’s amazing to see how the Lord works and Life seems so much more FULL & Complete.


START …. Keeping On Keeping ON

We have talked about a few things to START i.e. appreciating, being ready etc… At times it is hard to continue all these things that we “start.”

As a woman don’t you always feel like you are trying to start things, make things better for you and for your family.  Always putting the needed things into your schedule to make tomorrow better than today.

It can be overwhelming! It’s important to start things to make your life better, but not to put so many things in place that you feel…. How am I ever going to get these things done, there’s no room for changes, you just are always in the ON status.

The thing to remember …without the strength from God, we really can’t make anything happen. It takes his strength each and every day to get up and continue into the day with excellence. KEEPING on with things we’ve started that will make us better to do our job here on earth….Glorifying God in all we do!

I was asked today – What are you going to START – Really, Are you Serious, I have started so many things in 2015 – -You know what I had to say – I am not starting anything NEW right now, Guess what though – -I’m going to
KEEP ON KEEPING ON with what I’ve already started. Calling on the Lord’s strength to make EACH day excellent. Watching to see how God uses what I’ve already started. Then when I think I have that one ready to ck off of the list, let’s add something else in the mix. Each day just striving to be the best I can possible be for the Lord.

It’s easy to have too much on your plate, sometimes you have to sift through the not so good, good, and great…..See what will give you the most impact for the Lord, take on what will make your life extraordinary, START things that will make a difference….and then KEEP ON KEEPING ON!

VOD – hebrews 12

START . . . ReFresh

I may just be weird – wait – maybe just a tad-  – but anyways, another subject for another day. On this bright sunny, cold day in the midwest, I was reminded of times that seem so long ago…..

When or if you have ever had babies or toddlers at home, sometimes you just need a fresh start for the day, or a refresh to get through the rest of the day.  Maybe a time of silence, time to just think, and quite frankly just a break… I’m talking like 15 or 30 minutes of ReFRESHING

Back In those days, I would find myself rounding the kiddos up and just going for a little drive. Sunny days are the best, the kids are snugly and warm in the car seats and the most Awesome thing happens…those kiddos take a power nap. YES! YES! YES!

It’s times like these that you hit the drive thru of your favorite restaurant and that drink that you are just dying to have ..all for yourself. Then you just sit in the car and enjoy every sip of that pop with no interruptions, listening to “your music”, thinking or maybe even just people watching (my fav)..as the sun is beating on your face…..Then….it happens you feel

ReFRESHED, NEW….Ready to take on the rest of the day!

…If you are a mom, you totally get it when you see other moms just sitting in their car at different random places, just letting time pass by…

Each of us are so blessed to have a ReFRESH every single day. God makes his mercies new each day. Hold on to that promise!

VOD – Lamentations 3:22-23  The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

START . . . Great

Let’s START being Great Today.

Think about it…. if you have a Great Today then tomorrow you will have had 1 day of your very OWN Great History!

Being Great, Can’t we all strive for that each day? I hope each one of us do when we set our feet on the ground.  To think that we can be making Great History with each and every day – That really gets me pumped. Let’s do this!  Let’s Make Great History!

What does Great look like for you?

Is it a positive attitude with all that you do?

Maybe it’s taking baby steps to get to the gym or do a work out at home.

Is it speaking light to others instead of taking light away from people around you?

It might be just as simple as getting up 10 minutes early to Start your day out with a devotion, one that inspires you and speaks to you!

Taking time out of your schedule to help others.

Sending an encouraging card to someone going through a hard time.

Forgiving someone who should’ve been forgiven many moons ago.

Whatever it takes to help you be Great today, make it happen!

Be Great Today, so you can Start Making Great History.

VOD  – Philippians 4:13   I can do all things through him who strengthens me.


START . . . Being Ready

Although we are at the end of January, I have continued thinking of what to START on.

I choose to START being READY to be USED.

So many things can stand in the way. .No…not today my schedule is full, Not this month…we are really busy with sports…Really, Not here at this store . . I have way to many errands to run…No….I just can’t fit one more thing in my day,….. No . .I can’t tell my story to her what will she think.

We are so very busy with what seems important to us.  Is there really time in our schedules to be used by God.  I always say I want to be used, but do I really leave that door open?

Life can really pass by fast ….just look at our teens starting middle and high school not long ago they were toddlers…just yesterday I was in the back yard swinging my son and now he is married…it seems like not to many years ago I was a single mom.. and now I have been married 15 years….

I want to make the most of each day.   I know we all want this, but so many days I just go, go, go . . getting my to do’s done and not experiencing the true Life that I’ve been given.   Running around doing what I need to do, instead of letting the Lord  have control of my every move.

I love the verse from the song ..Lord I’m Ready Now by Plumb…I just let go and I feel exposed, but it’s so beautiful cause this is who I am.  I’ve been such a Mess……Lord I’m ready Now!  (video below)

Make the most of Today – We all have a story….Take a chance and tell someone yours today….stories make us who we are.  It may be an ugly mess, but it’s your ugly mess.  Be Ready to Use it for God Today!

Blog Verse – BV – Deuteronomy 31:8  “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

START . . . Appreciating

I feel compelled to continue chit chatting about START!

START What….

Today Let’s Choose to Appreciate!  As there are kids literally running in my house, wrestling, tripping each other, saying STOP STOP STOP, playing catch with the dog (Moses), in the house I might add, making crazy noises for no apparent reason, eating every snack they possible can – – like they haven’t eaten for days.

I choose to Appreciate  –  That the kids can Enjoy and Love each other and Life so much!

While there are days that their so-called “love” for each other drives me Cuckoo – it also shows me that all those days when the thoughts  were. . .  Is the SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) gig really all it’s made out to be?  Is it really an investment in their lives & their future or just a sacrifice with no gain?  Is this really the “job” you want me to be doing?  Lord, really – – this is my calling? 

Today, I speak to you who have Challenging Moments with your teens, your little ones, or even your own value.  Appreciate Every Minute of Today! Know you are in a season, that season will change soon!  Love Life! Enjoy Life! Speak Life!

START Appreciating where you are today – Tomorrow will be NEW in some way.

VOD – Lamentations 3: 22&23  The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!


Have you ever wanted to start something, but kept putting it off. I am only like that in one area of my life…….Advertising ME, wether it be business, goals, achievements, new starts, failures – – You name it!

Well today, I needed to start this BLOG, it has been on my list for a few months. The voices in your head ** we all have them — even if you don’t admit it ** like to say no one will read it, who will it help, who cares what you have been through and where you are now, people will look at you different, personal is personal keep it to yourself, you don’t really have enough to fill a Blog.

Well you know what – -GET ON BACK – – MOVE ON OUT – – SHHHHH!!!

TODAY IS THE DAY – – The day of launching Undefeated Sister.

This will be an evolving blog about
*a ‘WOMAN that is UNDEFEATED through the journey of life. A Journey that has had mountains, pits, hills, road blocks, U-Turns – -but yet has had HOPE.
*A faith filled SISTER (at times) that continued to keep going and push ahead even though the light was dim, the road continued.
*A STAY AT HOME MOM – that once couldn’t find purpose, but now has a small business.
*A DAUGHTER that was a challenging teen & a wild 20 something but now loves the lord and works toward being more like Jesus
*A WIFE – that was terrible at the first go, but one that is so much better today – -growing more and more each day.
*A MOTHER that makes mistakes every day, but one that knows each day is New too

This is just a peek of so much more to come..

I pray that Undefeated Sister will make you feel some company, give you light, laughter, and HOPE for tomorrow.

Today’s Blog Verse – BV – John 10:10 –
The Thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy.
My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

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Start of UNdefeatedsister

START TodayJanuary 13, 2015
Let's do This..